2024 Catechumens and Candidates
We welcome parishioners and ministries to visit us to share your testimony and to provide snacks for the men and women participating in the process! Click here to sign up.
The process by which adults enter the church, either through Baptism or, for already-baptized adults, a profession of faith, is through the Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA). We welcome seekers all year round, with cohorts beginning in both late Spring and early Fall. Those who are unbaptized or who were baptized into another denomination participate in a series of public rites leading up to the Sacraments of Initiation being received. Ordinarily, newly baptized adults enter the church each year at the Easter Vigil, the Saturday liturgy before Easter Sunday. Already-baptized adults may enter the church at any time throughout the year during Mass on one of the church's feast days. Saint Ann's OCIA and clergy team will work together with you to determine your best plan for being received into the church, taking into account how the Holy Spirit is and has been moving in your life.
Those who have already been baptized Catholic but are seeking formation for either Eucharist or Confirmation are also encouraged to join in with this process, but may not be required to take part in the public rites. We also encourage fully initiated Catholics to attend to get to know more about the faith and those who are seeking to join it. Fully initiated Catholics in good standing are also asked to prayerfully consider serving as a sponsor or team member.
To receive more information about Christian Initation for Adults at Saint Ann, please fill out the form below. Our Director of Faith Formation will contact you with more information within the next 48 hours.
Once a child has reached the age of reason (7 years old), he or she is able to participate more fully in his or her choice to be baptized. For that reason, the process of Baptism for children seven years of age or older is more suited to his or her faith formation. The path of initiation for a child will vary depending on his or her circumstances. Preparing for the sacraments may take place within our Parish Religious Education Program, our parish school, or outside of those times, as the situation calls for it. The preparation process may also vary for a child who has been baptized into another Christian denomination, but whose parents now wish for him or her to profess the Catholic faith. Although the formation process for children who wish to join the church will differ from that for adults, they will often participate in the same rites leading up to the Sacraments of Initiation at the Easter Vigil. The church envisions that a child who has reached the age of reason (7 years old) without being baptized will receive all three Sacraments of Initiation together upon Baptism. If you are interested in next steps, please fill out the form below. Our Director of Faith Formation will contact you with more information within 48 hours.
In addition to those adults preparing for Baptism or a profession of faith, we also welcome catechized and uncatechized already-baptized Catholics who are seeking the other Sacraments of Initiation: Eucharist and/or Confirmation. Catholics who have received ongoing catechesis up to and through First Communion preparation do not participate in the same rites as those who are unbaptized or baptized without further catechesis, but will participate in a similar formation process. Fill out the form below for more information.