Contact: Brian Quigley, [email protected]
The Young Adults Ministry at Saint Ann provides fellowship and faith formation for men and women in their 20s and 30s who want to grow closer to Christ and His Church. Our mission is "creating Saints through intimate community, while intentionally challenging ourselves to live lives of humility and chastity."
The vision of this ministry is "meeting young adults to experience life with, while practicing the teachings of the Church and growing deeper in the Faith, together."
Learn more about our community by joining our Flocknote, Facebook group, or GroupMe.
Contact: Mandi Pitt-Reed ( or 615-277-9663)
The Order of Christian Initiation for Adults is the process by which those over the Age of Reason (7) seek to receive the Initiation Sacraments - Baptism, First Eucharist, and Confirmation. We are often also joined by Adults who were baptized Catholic as a child and are now seeking one or both of the remaining Sacraments of Initiation. This dynamic ministry requires support from all across the parish - Catholics who are in good standing to serve as sponsors and on the team, as well as the support of other Catholics and ministries to provide snacks, information, and support to those going through the process. We also welcome fully initiated Catholics who want to learn more about their faith!
For more information about Christian Initiation for Adults at Saint Ann, please visit our OCIA page.
The Cursillo Movement is a movement of the Catholic Church. The name Cursillo is Spanish, meaning short course, and is often associated with a 3-Day weekend – which is only one aspect of the Cursillo Movement. The proper name is Cursillo de Cristiandad (short course of Christianity). There is much more to the Cursillo Movement than just a 3-Day weekend. There are mens' and womens' weekends held in Nashville throughout the year. For more information about Cursillo, contact Ben Pietrzyk at [email protected] or Tony Frankie at [email protected].
Saint Ann offers a calendar of events and studies throughout the year to help parishioners deepen their faith life. These might include hosting a speaker, various bible studies, prayer groups, and Advent and Lenten Reflection Groups. A monthly email is sent with more information - join our Flocknote to learn what is happening at Saint Ann!
Saint Ann Parish also hosts Regnum Christi Nashville and, in conjunction with them, offers mornings of reflection, adoration for vocations, 40 Hours of Adoration in Lent, and other events throughout the year. Learn more about how you can be involved at
If you have ideas for Faith Formation, please contact Mandi Pitt-Reed, Pastoral Assistant, at [email protected].
Contact: Mandi Pitt-Reed ([email protected] or 615-277-9663)
Saint Ann Catholic Church provides ongoing faith formation and sacrament preparation for the youth in our parish from age 3 through Confirmation prep (age 13 to 15). This ministry is largely subsidized by parish donations, so we only ask each family for a book fee to help us purchase curriculum. Contact Mandi for more information or register by clicking below!
Please click here to register